Research in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science in Europe.

ROTOS Committee Work 2018

As a committee, ROTOS continued the work on establishing a presence within the field of European Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science. We have developed collaborative partnerships with our COTEC and ENOTHE colleagues as well as cooperation with the the Board of Occupational Science Europe. ROTOS also conducted a survey with the National Associations who are members of COTEC to establish where current research activity is taking place.

ROTOS has received a number of invitations to present at conferences (RCOT 2018, ENOTHE 2018, WFOT 2018) and our submitted abstracts have been accepted which is providing the opportunity to discuss ROTOS with clinicians, educators and researchers.

In 2018 ROTOS achieved one of its goals of submitting a COST action for European funding. Over 20 researchers from around Europe worked together on the submission. If successful there will be funding available to run the networking activities that are required to achieve our aim of establishing a Europe wide network of Occupational Therapy researchers. Growth is next step and establishing operating procedures for managing this growth is important step for 2019.

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